The "Walking in Forgiveness" resource, written by Bill Scheidler, is an invaluable guide for small group leaders and participants. This comprehensive study focuses on understanding the depth of forgiveness, covering essential themes such as receiving God’s forgiveness, forgiving others, and self-forgiveness. Through an 8-week curriculum, this guide helps facilitate discussions and reflections that promote healing, spiritual growth, and personal freedom in the Christian walk. Instructions: Download the version that fits your needs from the options below:

SG Walking in Forgiveness Leaders 8.5X11 (PDF)
SG Walking in Forgiveness Student 8.5X11 (PDF)
SG Walking in Forgiveness Leaders A4 (PDF)
SG Walking in Forgiveness Student A4 (PDF)

Each PDF includes structured weekly lessons, scripture readings, reflections, and activities that enrich discussions and foster a deeper understanding of forgiveness. Choose the appropriate leader or student guide to maximize your learning and group engagement.