The Topical Index is a resource index of all School of Ministry curriculum. It lists where to find specific topics are found in all of the courses in the curriculum. The curriculum is linked directly in the Topical Index Legend table below.
You may also download a copy here: Topical Index
Abbr. | Course |
AA | Acts of the Apostles |
BC | Biblical Counseling |
BD1 | Basic Doctrine 1 |
BD2 | Basic Doctrine 2 |
CP | Church Planting |
CT | Current Trends |
DS | Discipleship |
EV | Evangelism |
FI | Family Issues |
GN | Genesis |
HS | Holy Spirit |
HO | Homiletics |
IS | Interpreting the Scriptures |
LC | Local Church |
LM1 | Life Management 1 |
Abbr. | Course |
LM2 | Life Management 2 |
LM3 | Life Management 3 |
LOC | Life of Christ |
LOM | Life of Moses |
LS | Leadership |
MPN | Ministering to Personal Needs |
NTS | New Testament Survey |
OTS | Old Testament Survey |
PBS | Prayer & Personal Bible Study |
PM | Pastoral Ministry |
SR | Social Roles & Relationships |
SC | Speech Communication |
VC | Victorious Christianity |
VW | Vision & Values |
WPT | Walking in Present Truth |